Everything You Need To Know About Porchfest 2016

Ithaca’s 10th annual Porchfest is this Sunday, September 18, from 12-6 PM. Here’s everything you need to know!

* Who’s performing, where and when?

Performer list + descriptions
Schedule by time
Interactive map

We will also, as always, have printed map + schedule booklets available for free at Thompson Park, as well as our volunteers around the neighborhood.

And you can check the schedule on your phone! Go to http://porchfest.org/m for a mobile device-friendly version. (It’s not up just yet, though, so don’t panic if you still see last year’s schedule there in the next day or two.)

* Will there be an opportunity to paint a giant Porchfest mural in the middle of a Fall Creek street?

Glad you asked! To celebrate Ithaca’s 10th annual Porchfest this Sunday, we’re painting the intersection of Auburn, Lewis and Adams streets with a lovely Porchfest mural. It was designed by the wonderful Nina Widger, whose paintings were the official Porchfest artwork for our first seven years.

We hope many people will help make this happen. From 8 AM to 11 AM, we’ll be using tiny rollers to paint the outlines, and then from 11 AM – 4 PM we’ll be filling them in with many beautiful colors.

We need painters of all ages to help with both portions of the project! Send an email to ninawidger@gmail.com to sign up to paint. Or, if you forget to sign up, just come over to Lewis and Auburn on Sunday and join in. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on, and bring knee pads if you’ve got ’em.

* Will there be anything to eat?

Yep! There will be food trucks and vendors at various locations around the neighborhood, especially near Thompson Park. Additionally, the Fall Creek Elementary School PTA will have a roving bake sale all afternoon, and there will be a lemonade stand and bake sale at 102 Franklin St with proceeds benefitting the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes. And the Unitarian Church at 306 N Aurora St will serve ice cream from noon until 2 PM.

* What about restrooms?

There will be port-a-johns at the following locations:
– Thompson Park (corner of Cayuga + Marshall)
– Auburn Park (corner of Auburn + Adams)
– Fall Creek Elementary School (corner of King + Linn)
– Northstar House (202 E Falls St)

Additionally, Tabernacle Baptist Church, at the corner of Cayuga and Lincoln streets, will make its restrooms available to the public for the duration of Porchfest. And the Unitarian Church at 306 N Aurora St will make its restrooms available to the public from noon until 2 PM.

* What streets will be closed?

The following sections of street will be closed to traffic from 12-6 PM on Sunday:
– Auburn St between W Lincoln St and Dey St
– Auburn St between W Tompkins St and W Yates St
– from Willow Ave and W Yates St to W Marshall St and N Cayuga St
– Cascadilla Ave from N Cayuga St to N Tioga St
– N Tioga St from Cascadilla Ave to Farm St
– Utica St from E Lewis St to E Lincoln St
– Jay St from N Cayuga St to N Tioga St
– Linn St from King St to E Tompkins St

You can see a map of these street closures here.

* Where can I buy a t-shirt?

We’re doing something new and super cool this year: Muckles’ Ink will be in Thompson Park screen-printing t-shirts right on the spot all afternoon! You can buy a blank shirt from them, or bring your own.

And hey, while we’re on the topic: donations are welcome too. Porchfest’s expenses include insurance, permit fees, map printing, t-shirts for volunteers, truck rental to set up traffic barricades, painting supplies, and more. Nobody involved in organizing Porchfest makes a dime, and in fact, there have been years where we’ve wound up making up the difference when Porchfest comes up a little short. So if you’ve got a few extra bucks to throw in the hat, we’d very much appreciate it. There will be a donation jar at the info table, or you can pay with a credit card or bank account via PayPal.

* Where can I listen to Porchfest artists’ music before the big day (and during, and after)?

Listen to some of the 185 artists on a special “Ithaca Porchfest 2016” station on MegsRadio.fm before your wander around our neighborhood streets on Sunday afternoon. MegsRadio.fm is a locally-focused, personalized streaming radio player for Ithaca. It is similar to Pandora with customizable stations from artists and genres, but it mixes in music by local Ithaca-area artists. It is free to use, commercial-free, and being developed as a not-for-profit community project by students at Ithaca College and Cornell.

* Hey, is the Ithaca College Founder’s Day Concert in the Park happening at the same time as Porchfest again this year?

Sure is! BUT, please note, they’ve moved the location from DeWitt Park to Ford Hall on IC’s campus, so it will no longer be walkable from Porchfest. More information here.

* Whom can I contact if there’s a problem during Porchfest?

Is someone playing too loudly? Playing outside their scheduled time, and conflicting with other performers? Issues with traffic barricades? If you need to reach us during Porchfest, you can email info@porchfest.org or call or text this number: 607-269-5106. Any method will reach all three of us, and we’ll respond as soon as possible. (Texting often works better than calling, as we’re out enjoying the music too, and sometimes it’s hard to hear or speak during a performance.)

Ithaca’s 10th Annual Porchfest Scheduled for Sunday, September 18

ITHACA, N.Y. — The tenth edition of Porchfest, an annual music festival celebrating the vital creative community of downtown Ithaca, NY, will take place on Sunday, September 18, 2016. Performers wishing to sign up can do so now through August 21 at porchfest.org/perform. Volunteers are also needed to help on the day of the event; sign up at porchfest.org/volunteer.

Founded in Ithaca in 2007 by Fall Creek neighbors Lesley Greene and Gretchen Hildreth, Porchfest has grown from 20 performers the first year to 180 in 2015. And following Ithaca’s lead, there are now at least 55 other Porchfests around the U.S. and Canada, including new events this year in Lafayette, LA; Bristol, VT; Niagara Falls, NY; Lincoln, NE; Philadelphia, PA; and several other cities.

The colorful illustration for this year’s Porchfest artwork was created by Rosemary Adelewitz (mother of Porchfest co-organizer Andy Adelewitz). It will be used in all Porchfest promotions and merchandise this year.

Porchfest 2015 is sponsored by longtime partner Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services, a non-profit community development corporation whose mission is to revitalize Ithaca’s neighborhoods, encouraging stability and diversity, and to help people of modest incomes obtain affordable housing on a long-term basis. INHS has recently partnered with Better Housing for Tompkins County, and together they are increasing quality housing opportunities for Tompkins County and beyond. More information at ithacanhs.org and betterhousingtc.org.

Save The Date: Porchfest 2016

Howdy, neighbors!

Happy new year from Porchfest HQ. We just wanted to share a little save-the-date with you: Ithaca’s TENTH annual Porchfest will take place on Sunday, September 18, 2016.

Yep. TEN. Hard to believe, right? Ten years of being amazed by this wonderful thing we’ve built with our incredibly enthusiastic neighbors and Ithaca’s wealth of great musicians.

Put it on your calendar now, and we’ll see you in September.

Lesley, Gretchen & Andy